Dentists have been telling us for years about the importance of flossing our teeth, but obviously we aren’t born with a full set of teeth. So when should we start to worry about this issue, and when is the right time to begin flossing?
Most experts agree that once your child has teeth that are either touching or close together (typically around 2 years), you should introduce them to flossing.
You can either get individual flossers, or try to teach your child to floss. Either way, getting your child in the habit of flossing everyday will ensure that they will have good oral hygiene habits once their permanent teeth come in. If your child is having trouble controlling a string of dental floss, try tying knots in the floss big enough for them to fit their fingers through. Make sure to bring your child for regular monitoring from a dentist who specializes in children‘s teeth like the Bellevue family dentist.