Have you ever had to power through a toothache due to the fear of the pain leading to wisdom tooth removal? If you haven’t gotten them removed in your earlier years, your teeth pains often are caused by these pesky molars. Stop enduring the ache just to avoid this prognosis, as we want to make you comfortable with the idea of removing your wisdom tooth pulled. One immediate benefit is your toothache magically goes away—isn’t that something to look forward to after the pain?
Get the Whole Tooth about Wisdom Tooth Removal
In most Western cultures, having wisdom teeth removed is seen almost as a rite of passage, but why do they need to be removed anyway? In most developed countries they are removed as a preventive procedure before they cause any medical complications.
Why removing a wisdom tooth is needed?
In the event your teeth do cause problems after they have come in, it is a lot more challenging to remove wisdom teeth with sprouted roots and connections to the jaw. Extracting wisdom teeth already connected to the jaw could result in nerve damage or other complications.
The reason we have wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth don’t seem to serve much of a purpose now, but scientists think they did play a role in our evolution. Prehistoric diets required a lot of chewing power, which causes excessive wear on the teeth. However, our jaws have gotten smaller over dental history, as a result of eating softer or cooked foods. Smaller jaws mean we no longer require the extra set of molars, and they tend to make the rest of the teeth overcrowded in our current jaw size.
Do You Need a Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Having your wisdom teeth removed sometime in your teens or 20s—is now being questioned by experts in the dental field. Some doctors feel that it’s okay to leave these teeth alone. For some people, it’s just unnecessary to have these teeth taken out, mainly if they aren’t causing a problem or are not threatening to create an issue in the future.
Just because it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t mean it won’t ever
It’s crucial to have X-rays taken of your teeth regularly. Just because your molars don’t cause you pain, doesn’t say they’re healthy, either. Molars without symptoms could still result in painful, long-term infections down the road. In turn, a disease can weaken the bone and even affect your overall health.Whether you trust your dentist or want the opinion of an oral surgeon, have your teeth and third molars examined on a regular basis for ideal dental care.
Let Our Family Dentists Care for Your Wisdom Teeth
Regular check-ups to your Bellevue family dentist helps to calm your nerves surrounding the thought of getting your wisdom tooth removed. Our dentists will take x-rays and do a dental exam to ensure your teeth are on the right track. Schedule a consultation with us today!